Harriet Bush Mind and Body app
Join the Membership and get automatic access to the App. Whether you are a beginner or looking for a fitness app combining Pilates, Cardio, Balance, Strengthening, Weights, Equipment with Challenges and weekly LIVE classes this is the one for you. PLUS you will find Nutrition and Lifestyle Videos so a full rounded holistic approach to life. Mindfulness and Meditation too. Harriet has thought of it all!
If you are looking for a guided 4 or 6 week Programme check out the options on the Programmes page.


Monday Morning Movement
Monday’s Class
A 60 minute Pilates workout focussing on all the muscle groups plus connecting our mind and body ready for the week ahead. This class combines Stretching, Balance, Weights and Pilates; each week will vary and I will offer modifications so suitable for all levels.

Pure Pilates
Thursday’s Class
A 30 minute class all about Pure Pilates. Don’t be fooled this class can still be tough, infact some would say the most tough so enjoy moving your body, connecting your mind with just your mat, no equipment needed. Suitable for all levels.

Core Core Core!
Tuesday’s Workout
A 30 minute workout focusing on our core! This class combines a mix of Pilates and Weights; my perfect duo. Whether you are new to Pilates or more experienced this class will challenge you but “in a good way”!

Friday Fit
Friday’s Workout
A 30 minute blast. Each week will be different but I will use some Cardio, Pilates and Weights – the time will fly by and the vibe will be to ‘raise your vibration’! This class is probably not suited for beginners but try/watch the FREE CLASS and see what you think. Contact me if you have any questions.

Lower Body Burn
Wednesday’s Workout
A 30 minute workout using Pilates, Weights and Resistance Bands - a strong trio but a successful way to strengthen, tone and slim legs, thighs and glutes, whilst increasing lean muscles mass and bone density.

The App Library
Available Every Day
Along side the LIVE classes the app boast a huge library of workouts, challenge, classes, past live classes, yoga and more. There are also Nutrition Videos, Programmes and WillPowders.
Here I share my secrets! How do I keep fit and healthy whist being a mum to 3 sons and running my own business, which is definitely not 9-5! I have found ways to fit my exercise in, eat healthily, support my family, navigate clever marketing ploys by food companies, keep up to speed with the latest nutrition information and so on the App I share my tips and tricks with you plus some delicious and simple recipes. I also have guest Nutritionists and Practitioners on the App so bringing other experts in their fields to share their knowledge. As a Brand Ambassador for WillPowders you will find their products and information on the App.
After many years of helping clients with Pilates & Movement and Nutrition & Naturopathy I have combined all modalities and added in the final ingredient- WillPowders. The TERRIFIC TRIO forms the base of my Personalised Programmes, which are all run on the app so super easy for you and super interactive. I upload your personalised plan to your individual calendar and each day you just open the app and check what videos are in store for you that day, some will be workouts some will be nutrition and lifestyle and some might be mindfulness. All programmes start with a consultation an end with a Progression Pathway.
What’s included?
Inside the App you will have access to live workouts and a library of classes so you can look for a specific video or catch up on a class you missed.
I am LIVE every weekday morning and always have time for a chat before or after.
The Calendar and Community makes this App unique and easy to stay focussed and motivated.
I have members from all over the world so you really can be part of this amazing community from anywhere!
£25 per month
5 LIVE classes per week (Pilates and Weights)
New Recordings weekly
Library of Workouts, Challenges & Recordings
Pilates, Weights, Cardio, Stretching, Balance, Equipment & More
Nutrition / Naturopathy videos and documents
Lifestyle Talks and Workshops
Mindfulness & Meditation
Community - chance to DM me or other members
Calendar Feature to motivate you
Discounts off Harriet's Programmes
WillPowders Store